Mole End

"An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is an adventure wrongly considered." "As he hurried along, eagerly anticipating the moment when he would be at home again among the things he knew and liked, the Mole saw clearly that he must keep to the pleasant places in which his lines were laid and which held adventure enough, in their way, to last a lifetime.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

"O hushed October morning mild..."

Following in the inestimable footsteps of our beloved Fa-so-la-la, I also take offense of the words a poet used to describe this new season. Frost, however, can never be as foreign as Keats. This morning was not hushed, nor mild, at least by an oven-baked Texan's standard. I have a few items to add to her list of things to occupy your time upon a crisp day.

Item One: Eating fresh demi-biscuits with cider-syrup, drunk with hot Earl Grey in a blue and green tea-mug and cold milk in an old, glass, pot-bellied jelly-jar.

Item Two: Spreading a blanket in the chilly grass, with white, warm socks and a good thought-provoking book, and watching the antics of three playful kittens, two grey and one grey and white, as they discover grass and their climbing abilities for the first time.

Item Three: Lying on the roof with the same thought provoking book as the sun warms you all over, and the kittens curling up next to you.

Item Four: Hearing the crisp sound of scissors cutting through fabric.

Item Five: Having a darling little boy with big brown eyes give you an tight hug.

Item Six: Eating a balony sandwich while looking at pictures of fun summer times.

Item Seven: Dashing about helping your sisters leave for destinations far away at six in the morning.

Item Eight: Sitting on your bed with all the windows open as the wind blows your door open and shut, open and shut, open and shut.....


At 1:11 PM, Blogger beatrice said...

For item two, I think that it is best when the book is Lewis, Tolkien, Chesterton, or Shakespeare.
Ah yes, isn't fall wonderful?


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