Jots and Tittles
-So, I was a clumsy idiot and severely sprained my ankle, but I'll tell you about that at Boot Camp.
-So I visited an incredible college in Jackson, Mississippi, (I love that word!), but I'll tell you about that at Boot Camp.
-So I have to leave Boot Camp early because I have to, but I'll tell you about that at Boot Camp.
There is nothing in my life so urgent that it must needs be told right away, and everything I have to tell can wait until Boot Camp because, after all, these things are better told in person where teenage italics can be ever so much more effective than in print, wouldn't you agree?
(I love run-on sentences in moderation!)
So until I see all you lovelies and uglies....
Oh ya!
I'm so very very wot about seeing y'all again! We have not seen each other since the PortaParty!
Oh yes, John, yes...
Roy severely sprained his ankle today too.
But no boot camp for Roy.
You weren't there to say goodbye to, you loveable jerk.*wink*
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