Karta-karta Shou-shou Part 1
Thi'sss i'sss a short story I am writing, a part fantasy/part nonsense parody of a well-known children'sss chapter book. Try to geus'sss! The triple 'sss are meant to be there, it'sss a dialectal thing from the culture'sss in the story.
Karta-Karta Shou-Shou
A Mystical Dragon
Many dragon'sss were aggregation'sss (that wa'sss an extensive word meaning package'sss) of bone'sss and tendon'sss and muscle'sss and skin, and blood and fire seed'sss and teeth and flame, also the many colour'sss painter'sss use on a picture of a flower field from tomorrow. Flame shot forth from the front of them while tail-curl'sss swept out the back, and they had bright eye'sss like white light'sss regarding you, and red flame'sss within. And that wa'sss about that --- only dragon'sss, fancy fire'sss with wing'sss to fly around with.
However select dragon'sss- mine, for instance, also maybe your'sss- were unusual. If you learned to love them and know them, if you were gentle near them and didn't douse their fire or pull their wing'sss, if you fed them well and praised them along when they wanted that, if you keep scale'sss shiny and brightened and hidden from the cloudburst'sss and avalanche'sss as much as possible, you would see, you MAY see, that they become nearly like people – MORE than only normal people- MAGICAL PEOPLE!!!
You don't believe me? Very well then! You will learn through this story I'm preparing to sing to you now! I know you can surmise it'sss name already- her name, I should say. And after hearing, if you don't agree with me... All dragon'sss aren't only aggregation'sss around blood and bone. SOME ARE.....
(to be continued...if the audience so will'sss....)
To many ssss. Help me, I am drowning in them.
I like the story, but I think I need to evacuate....;-)
Thank you for using dragons. Kids these days don't hear enough about dragons and knights, in my opinion.
The sss work a lot better in the font I have it at home, but I'll take them out for easier reading!
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