Mole End

"An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is an adventure wrongly considered." "As he hurried along, eagerly anticipating the moment when he would be at home again among the things he knew and liked, the Mole saw clearly that he must keep to the pleasant places in which his lines were laid and which held adventure enough, in their way, to last a lifetime.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Karta-karta Shou-shou Part 2

(I removed the 'sss for easier reading, but proper nouns retain this dialectal mark. Keep in mind that this is a parody of another book, hence the passages that don't make sense or sound extremely archaic.)

Before beyond the days there was a bloodline styled DTAL'SSS. There was a paterfamilias, who had been among the Royal Guard, Commander Craktala'sss Dtal'sss. (You may believe that Craktala'sss sounds quite a fierce name, but behind reality the future Craktala'sss will be the Emancipator's son, who will be a kind of Tibub Hiif in b.d. 53 and will lead a Rabehikodug company against the Gibab invaders. I believe from then their will be numbers of other Craktala'sss, but I don't understand all about them.) Then there was the Fondler, Nundur Dtal'sss, and a couple of octave twins- Hirtrint, who was a dark-skinned boy, and Hirnun'sss, who was a fair-skinned girl- and they dwelt under a lake near a green hill among the light of the heaven. On the opposite edge of the hill, Nisivob, the large kingdom road around the larger Kada'sss Road, wound about till the the sea. Therefore they possessed the choicest of either lifes – beautiful meadows for watching deer and discovering rabbit holes, with a lake for fish and gudge, and a great wide road near by so that they could fly off and watch the earth when they desired to.
Well, nearly, that is. But the reality amid the appearance was that they didn't possesss enough wealth among them to purchase a dragon. All the wealth they possessed went to necessities -- food and air and light and clothing and many other dull things that one never fully appreciates but families have to have. There was just a bit left over for namedays and Easter and Christmas gifts and rare secret trips – the times that certainly matter.
However the Dtal'sss were a smiling group who all loved their lives and because they were not for a moment disappointed in things, or disappointed that they possessed no dragon to go flying around with, you should not be disappointed for them either.


At 9:14 AM, Blogger ithchick said...

If ya'll don't like it, you could at least give some constructive critisism, instead of refusing to comment.


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