Mole End

"An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is an adventure wrongly considered." "As he hurried along, eagerly anticipating the moment when he would be at home again among the things he knew and liked, the Mole saw clearly that he must keep to the pleasant places in which his lines were laid and which held adventure enough, in their way, to last a lifetime.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Song of His Creation

(This is a short piece I wrote, with the theme of singing, but I have a problem with it. I feel like Lucy when she tried to wake the trees and she couldn't tell whether she had said to much, or too little. I feel like something is missing. Please tell me if I'm just obsessed, or if there is something it needs.)

She stood there, feeling under her the blades of grass dry, shriveled, but limp from the closeness of the air, their voices stale and flat. The brown tables scattered between the trees shimmered in the heat, buzzing deeply. The lords of this place, the trees, stood stiff and unbending, refusing to sing a note. Stubbornly, she continued standing, still and unyielding. “I’m not leaving, not moving, until you come. I claim your promise.” Though she spoke firmly, inside she shrank away from the harshness, the lack of music in her words. She put her back to one of the trees. With her arms by her side, she spread her fingers over the bole of the trunk, trying to draw support from the mute wood. This time she called with her mind. “I said I’m not leaving.” Then feeling her resolve fall apart, she softened her words, letting a slow melody creep into her thoughts, drawing herself hard against the tree. “You said you would come. Please, you said you would come.” A wisp of wind darted across her chin. A stronger breeze wrapped around her throat as in a caress. Then the wind came, sweeping away the heat. Blades of grass stood, full and green. Trees danced and bowed to impossibly far-off melody. Ripples of air teased at her hair. The wind pulled gently at her dress. She stepped forward into the wind, then felt his arms around her. Warm, strong, unyielding, he held her as she fell in sudden joy, and the warmth of his hands was a song. Her heart soared with glorious music. “How could I have ever doubted my Savior.” Trees sang in rich, full tones, grass trilled in harmony, rough trees hummed low and strong; she and her Savior sang the melody, their voices blending and twisting together effortlessly, first soaring high and strong as they sang together of His creation, then gentle and soft as they sang of His sacrifice for her redemption, then loud and clear in an eternal song of His love for her, and His everlasting glory.


At 7:07 AM, Blogger ithchick said...

Thanks bunches!


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