The World Turned Upside Down
From Ithchick's parents:
We want everyone to know that we have great love and respect for the heritage in which Carol was raised, and have tried to teach many of the underlying principles to our children. We have no problem at all with any of our children choosing to align themselves with the Primitive Baptist church. We wish that we had been able to walk through this decision with Rebecca, and that has been hard for us. Since Rebecca has come home, we have been very blessed and encouraged by her humble attitude and willingness to hear our concerns and respond rightly. She has asked our forgiveness for leaving us out of the loop, and we wholeheartedly have forgiven her. I think we've all learned through the situation and will draw closer to each other and the Lord.
From Me:
By now, most of you have probably heard of my rebaptism into the Primitive Baptist Church. My decision has shocked and confused a lot of people, so I want to clearly set forth my mind and heart in this matter. As long as I can remember, I have lived and worshipped in two kinds of Christian worlds. Both my home church and the P.B. churches that I visit are full of equally faithful believers who love and serve the Lord with all their heart, and I have been raised to love and respect both worlds in spite of differences. I have thought about this issue for a couple of years, though I realize now that I should have studied much more. I do not regret the decision to be rebabtized, but I regret my rash timing. When I go to school in the fall, I was planning on attending and thinking about joining the Jackson Primitive Baptist Church, and should have discussed my thoughts and their ramifications with my parents and P.B. elders who knew me and my family situation. Though most of my main reasons were good, there was an emotional element of wanting to be accepted into this world that I love that I did not recognize until later. My parents had encouraged me to wait and be baptized at the Jackson church, after I had talked with Elder David Pyles, and I wish that I had honored their desire. I have asked and received their forgiveness. The right thing done in the wrong way is the wrong thing. I have already seen how God is using this situation to humble my heart and change me. I would covet your prayers. Please tell anyone I know about this post, especially those of your parents who I know well, so that they can understand more clearly. Feel free to call about anything I did not make clear. I love you guys.